If you’re a sensitive soul, you need this…

As a sensitive, caring human, you probably find you're very aware of your surroundings at all time - including how other people feel.


When you may not realize (or maybe you do) is that when you're a “carer” you can accidentally take on the energy of other people around you and be negatively affected by those energies…


Feeling low mood, low energy, resentful, confused, or unmotivated, just to name a few.


It can also manifest as physical symptoms such as aches or pains, headaches, or a lowered immune system.


There's a lot more work when you're a “carer” than meets the eye… and as a result, the need for energetic hygiene is KEY to feeling strong and powerful in the world (and in your own body).


What do I mean by energetic hygiene?


I mean you have practices that you do regularly when you realize something is “off” in your mind-body system that can “scrub you clean" as it were.


My favourite way is yoga & meditation, but there are many tools to choose from.


One mini-course I created to help you do this is called Clean, Clear, Peaceful Heart.  


The reason I created it is because I wanted to share with you the yogic secrets for how to “clean” the heart space, which is where we typically store a lot of grief, sadness, and despair (even if it's not our own).


It's a 3 class Kundalini Yoga series I taught last year online that is now available to you for $44 CAD, right now.


This 3-class yoga series is for you if you:

  • are interested in experiencing the power of your own heart chakra to create more health, connection and wealth

  • are curious about Kundalini Yoga or have tried it before and want a beginners experience

  • are a human with challenges in your relationships, either with others or yourself that you want to change

  • want more access to your intuition (which is your best, most accurate guide in this lifetime)

What I LOVE about this style of yoga is how fast it works!


It's kinda like other yoga practices, but on steroids. 

I really value my time, and my energy, and so when I sit down to do a meditation or movement practice for my own energetic hygiene practice, I want it to be fast, powerful, and effective.


I want to feel a difference almost instantly :)


I always feel something powerful when I do Kundalini Yoga.  


It's like getting high on your own supply (of endorphins, hormones, oxygen, etc.)

Basically you get to experience you own power, sometimes in as little as 3 minutes.


If this feels good to you, I welcome you to try this 3 class series to purify you heart space, feel more energized, connected to yourself (and others) and feel good in your body.


Let me know how it goes for you!!


Wishing you a beautiful day.


Sat Nam.


To leave this world peacefully, we need two things: