What exactly happens in therapy?
Therapy helps you feel safe in your body, even in tough moments, so you can access your courage, creativity and confidence and get the outcomes you want (relationships, career, parenting & health).
EMDR is “trauma work” at it’s best
What is “trauma work” and why should you bother considering it?
How EMDR can help you heal and change your life, forever.
What does your EMDR therapist work on in her own therapy?
I believe therapists should go to therapy too! Here's why I go...
What you can expect inside an EMDR therapy experience with me
Here are the main components of EMDR therapy with me :)
Confronting your inner saboteur with EMDR therapy
We all have parts of ourselves that perpetuate the same old patterns again and again. EMDR can help make a shift in a short amount of time.
The difference between talk therapy and EMDR
The main difference between talk therapy and EMDR therapy...
How EMDR works for a happier, healthier mind & body
EMDR is a powerful approach to therapy that helps install NEW PATTERNS for a happier, healthier daily life in both mind and body.
If you’re a sensitive soul, you need this…
Energy hygiene is essential when you’re a caring sensitive human helping others in the world. My favourite way is to work with the heart space. A mini-course is ready for you right now!
To leave this world peacefully, we need two things:
Experts tell us there are two things needed to support a dying person on their way to the other side. Find out what they are…
What is a “good death” to you?
A “good death” can mean something as unique as you are! Research shows that the more you give yourself an opportunity to think about it, the more likely you’ll have one :)
How much you give is how much you receive.
The more you give, the more you get… something we all have to learn in life. So, what do you want more of? More love? Wealth? Health? Give more of it, and you shall receive.
Why I Want To Be Ready When Death Comes For Me
Preparing for the your inevitable death makes every day life more rich and meaningful.
How End-of-Life Coaching Creates A Magical Transitional Experience
Dying is not a medical experience, it is also a deeply human (and spiritual) experience.
What savouring a lemon tart reminded me of…
The gift of the Earthly plane is your 5 senses. Use them wisely… eat the cake!
What I learned about Death from the story of Jesus
Your life is a poem that will be read at the end of it. What do you want it to say?
How To Write An Effective Obituary
Writing an obituary is really just a love-letter to the Soul of the departed. It can be simple, heart-felt, and to the point.
There’s a Pain-Free Protocol I Love Using With My Clients
The Pain Protocol is an EMDR tool I use with my clients to shift the brain, and release the pain habits it’s created. I love it!
Your Path To Healing Chronic Illness Is As Unique As You Are
You are unique, therefore your healing journey is as well. EMDR is a powerful tool to help uncover your true needs.
No One Has The Power To Cure You But You
You are the healer you’ve been dreaming about. Trust yourself, remove any limiting beliefs, and change your life.
The Sooner You Trust Your Intuition, The Sooner You Become Pain-Free
There is no one who knows as deeply as you do what you need to feel healthy and well. Healing is no different. Your intuition will never steer you wrong.