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The Aquarian Academy

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Personal Growth



In this short video I share with you how Kundalini Yoga Breathwork and Meditation is a powerful practice to:
-balance your 10 body system
-balance your chakra system
-balance your mind-body connection
-create nervous system strength & tone
-ease blockages so you can feel calmer, stronger and more yourself
-gives you connection to your intuition & inner knowing system
-improves health, mental health, and ability to connect with others
-so much more!

Self-Mastery Series
11-Class Yoga Course (On-Demand)
$222 CAD

This yoga series is for you if you:

  • are interested in using Kundalini Yoga to heal your own body of dis-ease (mental or physical)

  • or you are a healer or therapist and you want to help your clients experience profound transformations with minimal effort on your end

  • want a solid understanding of the foundations of this style of yoga

  • want a powerful, daily, 11 minute yoga practice to help you focus your actions and intentions

  • want to go beyond the basics as well to deeply understand how the magnetic field of a human can hold healing frequencies

Yoga & Hot Chocolate
6-week yoga container for the helpers
$444 (before Dec 3)

These live online yoga container are for you if you:

  • want to experience an elevated holiday season this year

  • want a solid understanding of the foundations of this style of yoga

  • want a contemplative, reflective experience during the Yule Season that helps you give from the heart


  • 6-live yoga classes on zoom

  • weekly journal prompts

  • membership to an exclusive whatsapp group

  • 2 x 30 minute private sessions with Andrea

Clean, Clear, Peaceful Heart
3-Class Yoga Course (On-Demand)
$44 CAD

This yoga series is for you if you:

  • are interested in experiencing the power of your own heart chakra to create more health, connection and wealth

  • are curious about Kundalini Yoga or have tried it before and want a beginners experience

  • are a human with challenges in your relationships, either with others or yourself that you want to change

  • want more access to your intuition (which is your best, most accurate guide in this lifetime)

Elemental Healing
5-Class Yoga Course (On-Demand)
$44 CAD

This yoga series is for you if you:

  • want to know how to balance the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies for more centred, calm, creative daily experience

  • you want to have a deeper understanding of metaphysics, how manifestation works, and how to maneuver different layers of reality

  • want an understanding of the tattvas (elements) informed by ayurvedic medicine for health and wellbeing

  • want simple, powerful yoga for health and wellbeing

  • to have a new perspective on your very being, on all levels, to create a deeper connection to your human and divine self

Short, Daily Kundalini Yoga Practices for Mental Health & Wellbeing
Free videos

These yoga classes are for you if you:

  • are interested in using Kundalini Yoga to heal your own body of dis-ease (mental or physical)

  • are tired of your old self-sabotaging behaviours and are ready to unhinge from them for good

  • want a powerful, daily, short yoga practices (anywhere from 3 to 30 minutes depending on which ones you choose) to help ground you and align your actions & intentions

  • you’ve had mental health support in the past but haven’t seen much change and you want to learn self-psychology tools & techniques

Sacred Grief Recovery Roadmap Masterclass
Free Replay

This educational video is for you if you:

  • you have experienced significant loss and are looking for a roadmap for how to navigate it on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level or you help others who have

  • you want to learn the yogic perspectives on death & dying and transformation for a higher level awareness

  • daily yoga practices that will help calm the mind, and quiet the body so you can expand your capacity to be with grief & loss and thereby move through it gracefully

  • want to discover what your grief is trying to tell you and how to transmute it for healing & connection to yourself, your loved-ones, and the world at large

  • to experience powerful openings in your heart that alter how you navigate life, prioritize what matters to you, and embrace all the ups and downs your soul is here to experience with a victorious attitude

Good Mourning
(coming soon!)

This is for you if you:

  • TBD

Yoga for Grief Recovery
(coming soon!)

This is for you if you:

  • you have experienced significant loss and are looking for a roadmap for how to navigate it on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level

  • you want to learn the yogic perspectives on death & dying and transformation for a higher level awareness

  • daily yoga practices that will help calm the mind, and quiet the body so you can expand your capacity to be with grief & loss and thereby move through it gracefully

  • want to discover what your grief is trying to tell you and how to transmute it for healing & connection to yourself, your loved-ones, and the world at large

  • to experience powerful openings in your heart that alter how you navigate life, prioritize what matters to you, and embrace all the ups and downs your soul is here to experience with a victorious attitude

How to Die A Good Death
Teachings for a Conscious Death
(coming soon!)

This is for you if you:

  • TBD

About Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient yoga technology which gives you the power to adjust your 10 bodies, awaken your life-force energy, and step into the most authentic version for yourself.
It is a system to help you maneuver the quantum realm, and manifest into the 3D realm.


  • Kundalini Yoga is an ancient yoga technology which gives you the power to adjust your 10 bodies, awaken your life-force energy, and step into the most authentic version for yourself.
    It is a system to help you maneuver the quantum realm, and manifest into the 3D realm.
    It is different because it removes programming that isn't fundamentally YOU. It is not just about physical stamina, or mental control... it's about allowing your own life-force energy to be at the helm of your vessel, making room for your inner guidance to come through.

  • No. Kundalini Yoga is for everyone. Even if you're ill and in bed, you can still do aspects of this yoga. This is because it uses three pillars, in this order: breath, mantra (sound), and movement. Everyone can do some combination of all three in their own way and benefit greatly.

  • No, I do not offer refunds on products or services. If you try out any of my classes and find it's not for you, you will still have access to it for the future, should you change your mind. Also, there is value in experiencing things, even if they aren't to your liking.

  • No. You're welcome to explore coaching or psychotherapy services with me, even if you don't practice yoga.


Yoga provides great benefits, but only you know your own body and limits. Like any exercise, please consult your health care professional with any questions or concerns before starting any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. Not all exercises in our videos are suitable for all persons.The creators of The Aquarian Academy (aka Andrea Skitch), which includes all videos, classes, programs, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling and viewer of these programs, or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in this video. Andrea Skitch is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Andrea Skitch makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information on this website or any linked websites, classes, books, videos, apps, or other products represented herein.