Sacred Grief Recovery Roadmap Masterclass

This is an educational masterclass I created to share the yogic perspective on how to navigate grief & loss with grace, dignity, and victory.
Grief is tough work. No one wants to have to navigate it, but eventually, we all must. It can help to have a roadmap, and a short, easy, daily yoga practice to help ease the suffering and move toward making conscious choices for a new reality.

You have the power to meet grief & loss as a spiritual warrior does - with grace, wonder, curiosity, love, and compassion, allowing it to be fully experienced, alchemized, and fully integrated, no matter how unexpected, traumatic, or horrible your losses have been.

I hope this information helps you on your journey.

Lots of love,

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No one wants to have to navigate grief & loss, but eventually, we all do. The yogis teach us how to do it successfully.

Grief & loss are hard work. Often we are grieving for things or people that we didn’t expect or want to disappear, but they did. Even recovering from trauma of any kind requires the ability to grieve for the life we had (and the person we were ) before it all happened.
The yogic perspective is a bit different to conventional grief psychology in that it believes that we can actually fully recover from grief (eventually) and live a new, more conscious, loving life as a result of the transformation. In this educational masterclass I’ll show you this perspective, along with a roadmap of how to get there. It is helpful if you already have a yoga practice, or are willing to try it out because the yoga is what helps move the stuck energies from the body, making grief more manageable.