Confronting your inner saboteur with EMDR therapy

If you want to feel better in your body, or in your relationships, you must first be in full acceptance of the way things are, right now.


I don't mean a logical acceptance of the facts…


I mean an energetically aligned, full, radical acceptance of the current reality, as it is in the NOW MOMENT.


If you're not in full acceptance of the current reality, you're in resistance.

And nothing new can come to you when you're in resistance.


Resistance looks like self-criticism, judgement, overwhelm, fantasy-thinking, and avoidance behaviours like numbing-out with substances, devices, or excessive working, for example.


To move past resistance and move into a state of receiving, you must confront your subconscious beliefs.


This is where EMDR can be so powerful as a container to do this in a safe, compassionate, accelerated way.


The therapy process helps you actually converse with your "saboteur parts" and come to a place of integrity about where you want to go from here so you can receive what you truly desire in your life.


My job is to ask you powerful questions with compassion and love so you can go deeper into your own self acceptance and evolution.




Because you didn't come here to play small.


You came with a big destiny, and you won't be fully at ease until you point all of your huskies toward that path. 


Where are you ready to grow in your life and receive more joy?

Your marriage?

Your health?

Your work?


If you're ready to level up in one of these areas in your life and you're ready to use this powerful technique to step into your own greatness and life's purpose, book your 30-minute no-pressure consultation call with me asap.


I have 2 spots open right now for Intensive EMDR (which is a 10-session, condensed container for therapy to achieve your health & relationship goals asap).  

I can't wait to work with you, beautiful soul.


I look forward to connecting with you!


What you can expect inside an EMDR therapy experience with me


The difference between talk therapy and EMDR