The difference between talk therapy and EMDR

What makes EMDR therapy different from talk therapy?


Talk therapy is helpful in that it temporarily relieves a person of the subconscious pressure that they're carrying (aka stress).  This is wonderful, and definitely needed a lot of the time!


But as we know from leading thinkers such as Ekhart Tolle, or Joe Dispensa, as well as the spiritual leaders across the planet for 1000's of years, where you attention goes, energy flows.

Therefore, the more we talk about certain negative experiences, at a certain point, we are actually feeding those emotions and they grow bigger.


That's not what you want from therapy… !!

You want to feel lighter… more whole.  


More accepting, confident and peaceful.


This is where EMDR comes in as an integration tool, not simply a processing tool.

EMDR is an approach which helps the negative and positive minds co-exist, and find peace and awareness within the psyche. 

It results in integration: taking a polarizing, stressful experience and turning it into one of neutrality and acceptance. 


From that place, you have more access to your intuition, which is your internal guide. 

And think about it… has your intuition ever steered you wrong?

Not likely.


What's the one area of your life that you wish was feeling better?


Is it your health?

Your marriage?

Your mood?

Don't let the current reality of things dictate the future of your life in these areas.


If you're ready to level up in one of these areas in your life and you're ready to use this powerful technique to step into your own greatness and life's purposebook your 30-minute no-pressure consultation call with me asap.


I have 2 spots open right now for Intensive EMDR (which is a 10-session, condensed container for therapy to achieve your health & relationship goals asap).  

I can't wait to work with you, beautiful soul.


I look forward to connecting with you!


Confronting your inner saboteur with EMDR therapy


How EMDR works for a happier, healthier mind & body