The Sooner You Trust Your Intuition, The Sooner You Become Pain-Free

I wish someone had told me when I was in my 20's, dealing with a devastating diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis that the sooner I listen to my inner wisdom, and be brave enough to make choices that others may not understand about my body, the sooner I'd be on a healing path not only for my physical body, but my spiritual journey as well.


I did, eventually, figure it out.


One difficult lesson at a time.


When you're someone with a chronic condition, most of your conversations with others are about symptom-management, how to ‘cope’ with an illness, or what steps you should take to modify your life to accommodate your "new reality."

At first, that all makes sense.

But then what often happens is you adjust your whole life to living with chronic illness which inadvertently invites that illness to settle in, and stick around!


It's like submitting to an unwanted visitor - say, an alcoholic uncle who just won't leave - and instead of kicking him out, you simply adjust your life to living with him!


What most people forget is that if you want to see change in your health in a real, physical way, you have to decide what you're willing to live with(or not live with) and make a deep commitment to yourself about not settling for anything less, even if you don't yet know the steps to getting there.


It's a level of trust in yourself that most of us are afraid to have.

But it's not actually just trusting yourself that's required… the trust I'm talking about is trusting the divine within you.

Your intuition is a channel from the divine; the infinite, connected part of you that is merged with God (universe, source, whatever you like).


But all too often you are influenced by your healthcare practitioners, or by the dominant narrative of what illness is, or by your parents, friends, or the articles in Canadian Living… all the messages coming at you about what's possible from a limited, 3D observational place that has not consulted your highest self whatsoever!

If you want perfect health (your version of it), you must open yourself up to the infinite possibilities the universe has for you… guided by our own intuition.


This is what I help my therapy clients with.


In my work with you, I help you remove all the programming, limited possibilities, mental blocks, “shoulds", fears, and past experiences that are limiting what's possible for you and your body.


If you're ready to finally put to rest what's not working for you, and step into the unknown where perfect health is waiting for you, guided by your inner knowing, let me know.  

I have a special spot for you in my virtual office and I can't wait to get started with you :)

Sat Nam,


No One Has The Power To Cure You But You


What’s Required To Heal A Chronic Illness