What’s Required To Heal A Chronic Illness
To heal from chronic pain or illness (migraines, autoimmune, gynaecological issues, cancers, etc) you’ll have to consider a higher perspective, and a fierce new level of standards.
I had an Epiphany…
My business is evolving the more I listen to my intuition. I’m excited to announce my new service, end-of-life coaching! Learn more…
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Q & A about this amazing (slightly rebellious) science & technology called Kundalini Yoga. :)
Kundalini Yoga for Therapists - Starts Jan 30!
It’s HERE!! Kundalini Yoga for Therapists (and healers)!
I’m so excited to share this powerful technology with you!
Excellent for quieting a busy mind, and strengthening your nervous system. Join us!
Questioning your relationship? Consider this.
If you’re questioning what’s next in your marriage, consider who you want to be first, and go from there.
What my “new” Astrological Sign Awoke me To
A change in astrological frameworks had me questioning my identity! Here’s what I learned from that discomfort…
More certifications won’t make you more money
Certifications and trainings are wonderful, but they aren’t the path to more income, necessarily. Embracing your uniqueness IS. Here’s how…
How I healed chronic pain and made room for miracles
There was a time when I felt pain every day. I don't have all the answers, but this is what helped me heal so I could be the best mom and therapist I can be…
Become a Relationship Guru at home and at work
Relationships can be challenging for even the most emotionally intelligent souls. Here’s a few tips to help you navigate them effectively.
EMDR for Healthcare Professionals
As a healthcare professional, it’s your energy that determines how much impact you have on your patients and your coworkers.
how to use technology to enhance Awareness and healing
Using tools like the Healy Frequency Device can help unblock old patterns and raise your consciousness for healing.
How to return to Neutrality amidst a chaotic world
As a therapist or healer you are here to lead humanity into an era of peace, harmony and love. To do that, you need to return to your heart-space every day.
What raising your Frequency actually means
When you raise your frequency and vibration, you put your body into a state of rest and recovery. You being to align with your essence, aka your Soul. You become more at ease, and you can heal.
Peace within leads to peace without
As a healer, how do you overcome the tragedies in the world and maintain your frequency of love, peace and harmony? You drop the duality within yourself.
Grandma’s Peach Crisp
My favourite end of summer / fall recipe, peach crisp! Can also be made into apple crisp! yum!
The Art of Grief Recovery
Grief doesn’t have to be a burden, or something you just carry around with you for the rest of your life. You can actually integrate your grief in a way that honours the past, while creating a future that feels good to you.
How to have a Conscious Death
Consciously relating to death allows you to live a fuller life.
Why I got Trained as A Death Doula in 2023
Death Doula training has awakened the Death-Worker in me. Your connection to death determines your connection to life.