Why I got Trained as A Death Doula in 2023
I have exciting news to share with you!
I have competed a Death Doula Training Certificate as of July 2023, and am now adding this wisdom to my work with conscious leaders of the Aquarian Age, like you, who want to devote their lives to serve others with grace, divinity, creativity, and impact.
It’s been my dream to add this type of work to my private practice client work for a long time.
When I was a social work student, I worked in hospitals with palliative patients (in many areas of the hospital - oncology, geriatrics, rehab, and palliative wards).
I could feel the power and sacredness of being in the presence of a dying person (and their loved ones who deeply cared for them) because of how close to Source they were. (God, Universe, Cosmos, etc.)
I knew intuitively that being in the room meant I was receiving blessings from the dying person’s soul, their team, and from Source. I just didn’t have the tools to amplify it, or even have the language to express this knowing.
But I followed the call inside of me to pursue working with dying people and their loved ones during my career, specially around grief, loss, mourning, resolving trauma & healing old wounds, and preparing the soul for its transition.
These past 3 months I participated in an excellent training experience where I learned the mindset, skills, and attitude of a death-worker, doula, and soul guide.
It has been a profound experience and one that I’ll cherish as I move forward.
As I reflect my career thus far, I realize it has been to the study the human condition in relation to life and death through Psychology, Psychotherapy, Kundalini Yoga Technology and Philosophy, Humanology, Spirituality, and through own personal experience of illness.
Here are the areas that have all come together for me:
-mastering the mind (positive, negative and neutral… and subconscious realms)
-creating conditions for the physical body to heal (nervous system stuff)
-navigating the energetic bodies (aura, radiant, pranic body, etc.)
-preparing the soul for its journey across dimensions (soul, subtle body, arch line wisdom, prayer, forgiveness and clearing karma)
I have discovered through my work around healing trauma that our purpose is not only to heal to feel better (which is important!!) but to release all of the heavy energies that weigh us down, cloud our consciousness, and distract us from what were are really here to do: which is prepare for death and rebirth for the soul’s journey toward “enlightenment” or “bliss” (aka. love and unity with Source, the home where we belong).
Whether you’re a householder (a mom, a dad, a worker, a friend, a seeker…) living your daily life with the pursuit of infusing more meaning, purpose, and deeply fulfilling experiences… or whether you’re nearing the end of your life, or you’re caring for someone who is, and you want to create an expansive, healing, conscious death experience… it would be my honour to support you to make your dreams a reality.
The more I work with people like you who are devoted to creating meaning, finding joy, and connecting with the larger Universe, the more I get to learn about what it means to be a mortal human on Planet Earth. My clients remind me how capable, resilient and loved we truly are. This helps me stay alert to the miracles of every day life.
We are all destined for the same place in the Cosmos… and I don’t know about you, but I want some preparation and some insight so when I meet the Angel of Death, I can say, “Welcome. I’ve been expecting you.”
Sat Naam