How to have a Conscious Death
Hi Soul Family,
How you relate to death is how you relate to life.
Are you conscious about your mortality?
Are you open to it?
Do you meditate on it?
Do you reflect on what you want at your death?
Do you relate to your infinite self that will take you beyond death?
What do you want to feel when you are dying?
If you haven't contemplated these things, here’s an invitation to stop what you’re doing and feel into this for just a moment.
Ancient yogic science and philosophy teaches us that there’s a WAY to die, consciously.
And when you know how to do that, your life becomes wildly different and you guessed it… more conscious.
Living consciously might sound like a new-age phrase, but if you think about it, it’s the name of the game here on Planet Earth.
Your attention is the largest commodity on the planet right now.
Others benefit when you are living outside of your own rhythmic intelligence, and directing your attention towards things that don’t serve you or others.
No one is perfect at it… being conscious 24/7 is not expected (or possible?)... and if we don't’ fall or make mistakes, how would we learn to do better anyway?
Okay, back to having a Conscious Death…
Here’s what the yogis teach us about death:
A conscious death is a death whereby you consciously leave your body through your crown chakra, into the ethers, with a prayer in your heart.
Let’s break that down:
1 - Consciously leaving your body allows you to go to higher realms in the ethers, aka, closer to God and your Guides to receive their love and wisdom.
Often, of course, people are not fully conscious when they die.
Perhaps they are on heavy medications, or in a coma.
The key is to practice this during your everyday life NOW so when you’re at the gates, it's automatically running in your aura.
2 - A prayer that resonates with you will help you be in a higher frequency state at time of death (aka not afraid), and help you un-attach from earthly things, helping you move into higher realms.
A prayer could be the word LOVE.
A prayer could be, “may I release all unfinished business and give my soul to God.”
A prayer could be “Sa Ta Na Ma” (Sa: Infinity, Ta: Life, Na: Death, Ma: Rebirth; a sacred mantra).
But you’re unlikely to remember this if you just read this post once.
This is a devotional practice you must do daily so it becomes a deeply embedded practice so again, at the time of death, you depart with this frequency in your heart automatically.
You were born to die.
To elevate yourself to the next realm of love and ecstasy… in this 3D realm, so that you can continue your soul's journey into the ethers and become one with Source again.
You are here to learn, grow, shed, clear, heal, play, and raise your vibration.
It’s your fundamental contribution to Planet Earth and to the Cosmos.
Preparing for a conscious death in your daily meditation practice now will help you do this with grace, ease, and flare when your time comes.
“All things come from God, and all things, including us, shall return to God, the source of all life. The trick is to die consciously. And that’s what yogis have done while still in the body. They tell us that death is simply a return to Source. It is nothing to fear. Many of us work to achieve that state of yoga, or Divine Union, while still alive, so that when it is finally time to leave behind this rented vehicle, we shall have a swift and smooth, direct, non-stop journey home. Meanwhile, we do trial runs, and field trips called meditation.”
-Shakti Parwha Kaur
Sat Naam