What raising your Frequency actually means
True healing comes when you realize you are a Soul in an intelligent body, having a human experience.
Through that awareness, your frequency changes into a more powerful, self-healing state of being.
Hard things just don't phase you the way they used to.
Your body goes into a more restful state, and it can access more healing energy called life-force energy inside you.
One of the reasons I love the Healy frequency device so much is because I can run healing frequencies on my loved ones and clients (with their permission) without even being with them physically.
It can help bring a person's soul-heart-mind-body system into more alignment, which brings deeper coherence and healing.
It works on pets too!
For example, recently a friend’s dog was having surgery, so she asked me to run the Healy for the dog.
I set the Healy to run healing frequencies (from my home!) for this beautiful pup during and after her procedure that day.
Later, I learned the vet told my friend that “it was a chaotic day in here, but your dog was so calm throughout it all, it was amazing!”
But even without a Healy, you can send prayers and blessings to those you love (and those around the world!) simply through your heart-centered intention and practice.
I love teaching my clients how to do this!
Especially therapists and healers who want to bring more of their natural-born healing energies into their work with their clients.
They begin to see BIG results quickly once they bring in more frequency medicine of various sorts and mix it with their brilliant clinical skills!
It's so cool to see!
Bottom line, you are a frequency conduit, and your state of being sends out information to the quantum field which impacts the vibration of those whom you’re sending it to.
Science has proven this to be true!
How amazing that you are THAT powerful, eh??
When you line-up your intention, your attention, and your sound… magic happens.
Healy works with the same concept… your intentions when you use it, along with the chosen program, sends signals out to the recipient (which can and should be YOU too!) which affect their electromagnetic field.
Inside your electromagnetic field is all the information your body needs for healing and alignment to your Soul.
If you’re curious how I use Healy in my healing sessions or in my business, reply to this email. I love talking about this amazing technology!
I’ll tell you all about how it helped me with my sleep issues recently too…
I’m all about magic and science coming together in real time :)