How to return to Neutrality amidst a chaotic world
Dear Therapist & Healing Practitioner:
The more you can access your neutral mind, [as a helper, healer, therapist, etc.], the better your client outcomes will be:
…the more powerful the transformations your clients will have…
… the more deeply healing your conversations will be…
…and the more profoundly awakening your interactions will be.
You are here to lead humanity into the Aquarian Age, a time-line where peace, love, and harmony aren't just lyrics from a song in the 60's, but a reality that we all have access to.
No one else is going to create this reality for us… it is YOU and I who will usher it in, one interaction at a time.
If you want a reminder of how to return to the heart-space, you'll find next-level meditations in a series I created called Clean, Clear, Peaceful Heart here.
Sat Nam,