Peace within leads to peace without

As a therapist or healer, if you want to contribute to humanity’s evolution in the new era with confidence and ease, you need to shed the self-doubt and people-pleasing patterns within yourself.

Peace within leads to peace without. 

Your sensitivity is your superpower. 

It’s what helps you attune to your clients, and provide them with care.

But with these gifts, you also sense on a larger scale the suffering and division that’s happening in the world, and you find it deeply disturbing.

That’s because it is. 

I feel it too.

It bothers you because you care about humanity and our planet.

You stand for peace, harmony, and unity consciousness.

You are a Warrior of Light.

It’s the reason why you go to work every day and share your healing gifts; to raise the consciousness of the planet, one human, project, or interaction at a time.

So how do you keep going without losing your energy in times like these?

How do you stay above the drama, commotion… and uncomfortable dinner conversations about politics that leave you feeling tired and despairing?

To  rise about the duality on the planet (war, division, etc.) you must learn how to rise about the duality in yourself.

To come back into a state of harmony within yourself, you need to drop the self-doubt, self-criticism, and replace it with radical self-acceptance.

The more you are compassionate with yourself, the more you give permission for your clients and loved ones to do the same.

In other words, the more you’ve integrated your grief, trauma, heart-break, money-wounds, people-pleasing, and not-enoughness…

…the more kind and accepting you can be with yourself…
…and the more you can contribute to the world around you in positive ways that help usher in the new era!

As a natural-born healer, you’re so used to focusing your attention on others’ needs, and you sometimes forget that your needs matter, too. 

To turn this around, you need to locate where in your life are you not putting yourself first? 

Where are you out of alignment with your heart?

For example, perhaps you’re hard on yourself for not eating the foods you said you would, or you are not prioritizing time with your girlfriends like you told yourself you would…)

Or perhaps you are telling yourself that you’re not a good business-owner, or a good parent simply because you make mistakes from time to time.

To turn this around, all it takes is a decision on your part to prioritize what you need, first and foremost, and trust that the universe will help everything else fall into place.

Let’s put it another way: your clients cannot heal if you aren’t healing yourself, first.

If you want to drop the self-doubt, and have a bigger impact on the world by holding a frequency of peace & harmony with ease, let me know, I’d love to support you!

I can help you clear away any clutter so your healing abilities become even more potent, for yourself and your clients! 

We are talking Merlin-style frequencies coming through you, effortlessly! :)

Wouldn't that feel so amazing?

Are you ready to step into your destiny even more? 

I got you!



What raising your Frequency actually means


Grandma’s Peach Crisp