Questioning your relationship? Consider this.
Your marriage can only evolve when you first decide what version of yourself you no longer subscribe to.
Remember when you got married? (or started dating your love?)
Things happened quickly… you spent lots of time together, went to the movies, afternoons in bed, making steak dinners…
In short, you fell in love.
But over time what often happens is we rebel against our old sense of self by rebelling against our partners.
For example, the butterflies fade, and although you still find your partner attractive and you know he's an amazing guy (or gal or person), you find yourself wondering if it's the right relationship for who you are now.
You may feel frustrated with him (her/them) for the little things… not offering to put the kids to bed, or forgetting to call the bank.
You tell yourself things are fine… you know you have a good life.
So why do you feel annoyed most of the time, or just numb?
You tell yourself the marriage is a bust, and you wonder if it's time to get out.
If your relationship feels stagnant, it's likely because deep down, you no longer subscribe to the version of yourself you were when you first fell in love.
You no longer want to be a ‘good wife/huband/partner’ according to the internalized societal expectations.
Phew! Thank God!
You're ready for an upgrade… you're ready to step into being more YOU.
Free from judgement (self or other).
Free from pressure to be a certain way, or do a certain thing… perform in any way.
Nope!! No more.
It's time to make a new contract with yourself, first.
Once you determine what you need to let go of (clean out your own psyche of old beliefs, traumas, worries, etc.)… and what you want MORE of, you'll have a much better idea of how your relationship can evolve with you (or not, as the case may be).
The fastest way to upgrade your relationships is to upgrade your connection to who you truly are.
Then you can call in the love you truly crave, not from suffering or fear, but from a place of grace and magnetism.
I love your bravery to step into what you truly value and live a life you're deeply proud of :)