Coaching for Autoimmune & Cancer Recovery

Helping Adults with Autoimmune & Cancer Overcome Pain and Anxiety so You Can Create the Conditions for More Healing & Connection.

Coaching to support your quantum healing

Autoimmune & Cancer Recovery Coaching is a goal-oriented, therapeutic process of guidance and support that helps you reduce distressing body sensations and thoughts so you can move forward with more confidence, self-trust, and ease in your body.

Coaching to help you navigate the challenges that come with a health diagnosis so you can focus on what matters most.

1:1 tailored support with a highly-trained professional coach,
online via video, serving clients

Here’s what you need to know:

Anyone who has had success overcoming the challenges of living with autoimmune issues or cancer has done it because they have trusted the process, acknowledged their emotions to the fullest, utilized the supports around them, and most importantly, stepped into the driver’s seat of their own health journey.

Coaching will help you access the most powerful, next level version of yourself, which is an
absolute requirement if you want to have transformational results, and live a healthy life with the ones you love.

You need to embody energy of CEO of your Health Journey.

Hint - she’s already inside you, I’m just here to help you become her more boldly :)

Because of our societal conditioning around healthcare professionals, etc., it’s not often your first instinct to become the patient who listens first to her intuition, expresses her needs, and doesn’t take no for an answer.

Don’t worry, I totally get how hard that can be!
I had to develop this skill over time, by practicing at appointment after appointment, one conversation at a time.

I can help this become more comfortable for you, and at a faster pace than happened for me.
(It’s one of my areas of genius ;)
I’m dedicated to your success and I’m here to keep your attention and intention flowing in the right direction so you get the results you’re looking for.

Being a patient is hard.
But it can also be the best lesson in life you’ve ever had.

Coaching is like a weekly meeting where you, as the CEO of your journey, can review your goals, assess your progress, reevaluate your needs, implement strategies, and feel supported in the process by a trained professional who’s got your back, no matter what.

Most people struggle to heal chronic symptoms that come with autoimmune and cancer because they don’t know they’re directly related to unprocessed emotions, and subconscious beliefs.

Your body can’t repair itself when you’re stuck in a state of anxiety (hyper-vigilance), overwhelm (freeze), or disconnection (collapse).

But these are all normal states to go through at one time or another as a human, and definitely as a person with a significant health diagnosis and uncomfortable, chronic symptoms that elicit fear.

What happens next is you can get stuck in a loop of trigger or symptom, out of your control nervous system response, bracing, frustration, fatigue, despair, and more symptoms … and on it goes.

This is because our brains are so good and learning new things that they actually learn how to feel pain better! This often leads to being stuck in a hyper-vigilant nervous system state which makes it impossible for the body to heal (which happens when we’re in a relaxed, parasympathetic nervous system stage). And so the pain cycle ensues, trapping you in a cause-effect loop you don’t want to be in.

The secret to breaking this loop is to train your mind & body to recover from these stress states, and move back into a rest and digest place (aka safe and calm place).

EMDR, together with Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is my favourite, time-tested combination of tools to help you move away from the pain & symptom cycle and into a strong, free-flow healing state of being.

EMDR is a highly-effective therapeutic modality that helps the mind-body system process and “digest” distressing memories, body sensations, or beliefs. I’ve used it in my psychotherapy practice for years and I love the way it supports people to step more fully into their authentic, powerful selves.

I’m now using EMDR-based interventions with my coaching clients, too with amazing results!

And Kundalini Yoga is an ancient, powerful technology that helps balance the chakras (energy centres), clear the subconscious (harmful thoughts outside of your control), and create harmony inside your mind-body system. It creates space inside of you to connect with your intuition which is your greatest healing asset, along with your own life-force energy which will be greatly enhanced by the yoga as well!

This is the winning combination from my experience for anyone who is ready to step into the driver’s seat of their health, their relationships, and their life as a whole.

Benefits Autoimmune & Cancer Recovery Coaching:

Unlock Your Body’s Healing Potential - Your body is a sophisticated web of systems all designed to keep you healthy, safe, and well. Dis-ease is an interruption to those systems that can be reversed to a certain extent when the mind, body and soul are all acting in accordance with each other. Removing obstacles to healing, primarily from your subconscious beliefs and unprocessed emotions can make room for these systems to begin working more efficiently again in your body, which can lead to a reduction of symptoms and an increase in wellbeing.

Cost Effective - Coaching can be concentrated and efficient. In the long run, you could require less time receiving care from professionals because we address the underlying beliefs and patterns, and get you in a state of processing and healing. If it’s the right fit, you also don’t need to spend years in a weekly therapy model which might not be the right fit for you. (Weekly therapy is a wonderful service, but not suited to everyone for every mental / emotional struggle).

Faster Results - Coaching creates a container within which creative, life-force energy can flow. When you learn to manage your energy in a new way, and navigate your nervous system from a higher state of consciousness with really effective, simple tools, you can accelerate the healing process in your mind-body system, and often times, see a reduction in symptoms. If you use the coaching space as a powerful healing space to work through challenges, and if you choose to use the tools consistently and consciously, you will begin to feel mentally, emotionally, and physically better very quickly.

Unexpected Outcomes that Delight You! - Very often I see clients receive massive upgrades in other areas of their lives as they work with me and use the tools consistently. For example, new opportunities show up that feel exciting to you, relationships change (sometimes a painful process, but always in line with your destiny), sometimes more love is shared in spaces it couldn’t be felt before… and sometimes unspoken, deeply guarded desires of the heart spring to life as a result of clearing away the clutter that has led to illness. The sky is the limit when it comes to stepping more fully into your own health and wellbeing!

Book your free consultation to find out if coaching is the right fit for you!

How It Works

Step 1 - Free No-Pressure Consultation

You can book a no-pressure 30 minute consultation with me where we will talk about your desires, your needs and your unique situation. If we both feel there is a good fit for working together, we’ll schedule your Initial Session (90 minute session).

All work is virtually conducted.

Coaching Services are for clients both in Canada, and internationally.

Step 2 - Initial Session

You and I meet for 90 minutes to discuss your situation, your struggles, your curiosities, and your desires. We create an individualized plan to help you reach your goals. This usually means we create a container of 6 - 10 sessions, depending on your unique situation. Inside those sessions we use various tools, primarily EMDR Coaching.

Desires Outcomes could include:
-reduced physical pain & symptoms
-reduced anxiety or worry
-reduced fear of death and dying
-deeper connections to loved ones
-deeper self-trust and self-love
-navigating the medical system with ease
-clarity on how you want to navigate this journey in accordance with your values and your unique self-expression

Step 4 - Intensive Coaching Support (6 - 10 Sessions)

You continue to get coaching support inside your unique coaching plan. Often that means 6 - 10 sessions (as determined in your initial session), although this can be flexible depending on your needs. We work together to make your goals become a reality.
Ongoing support after your intensive coaching container is an option. Inquire for more details.

Step 3 - Tailored Coaching Plan

At the end of your initial appointment, your coach will craft a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. You will leave your first visit with a comprehensive plan of how and when we will work together, and how many visits we’ll book (tyipcally 6 - 10 sessions to start, but this can be flexible).

Autoimmune Issues & Cancer are scary. But don’t let them run the show… your life is yours to live, your way.

Step 1 - book your no-pressure 30 minute consultation with me so we can explore your desires, challenges, and make a plan to reach your goals.

Psychotherapy versus Coaching Definition

Coaching and Psychotherapy are similar in many ways, but the main difference is this:

Psychotherapy is specific type of working relationship that aims to treat clinical diagnoses of mental health for medical necessity.
Coaching is a different type of working relationship that helps you with more situational, non-clinical, less severe problems using psycho-education, guidance and support.

Both are effective in their own way, for different outcomes.
If you’re not sure which one is the best fit for you, book your free consultation and we can figure that out together!

Not sure which service is the best fit for you?
No problem!
Book a free 15 minute consult with me to discuss your needs.