The Art of Grief Recovery

When you lose something or someone meaningful to you, it can feel like your world is cracked open.

(The death of a loved one, a marriage, a home, your health, a pet, a child… the examples are endless).

Profound grief comes next… in response to the earthquake you’ve experienced.

It’s not easy.

You want your life back, right?

You want to feel like yourself again.


The loss (divorce, break-up, death, diagnosis…) has rocked your world.


In these times, and even beyond into the future, it can be helpful to know where you are on the grief journey.


When you know where you are, you know what you need next.


So you can come back to yourself .. well, a new self.


A self that feels genuine, strong, secure and able to handle the changes life throws at you.


I'm so excited to share with you a roadmap that has been developed with a combination of ancient yogic wisdom and present-day trauma-informed perspectives to give you the guidance you needs to successfully move through grief.

Here's why you need to address any unresolved grief in your life (past or present):


  • you can lose your precious life-force energy which can result in depression & anxiety

  • you can repress your feelings which your body has to hold for you, resulting in chronic pain, inflammation or other serious health issues

  • your relationships can suffer if you don't know how to enter the flow of giving & receiving because you're blocked

  • you won't have the focus, drive, or awareness you need to live a life of destiny (aka a fulfilling way to give your gifts to the world and have fun!)

    There is a way to recover from grief that honours the past, while creating a foundation for the future that feels authentic, expansive and exciting for you!

    It is called the Grief Recovery Process, and it includes integrating grief on a mind, body, and soul level.

    I believe it's time we bring our grief education into the Aquarian Age and explore a grief recovery roadmap that incorporates ancient yogic wisdom, and modern-day trauma-informed perspectives to guide you through grief and loss in a way that gives you energy, and connects you with your most authentic self. 

If you’re ready to walk along the path of grief in a new, expansive way that gives you the power to decide how you relate to yourself and your life, let me know I’d love to support you.



Grandma’s Peach Crisp


What happens when you Die