the body will heal inflammation when your mind allows it

When you live with fatigue and inflammation (due to chronic pain, autoimmune issues, mental fog, depression, anxiety, cancer, etc.)…

…just having enough energy to get through your day with relative ease can feel like winning the lottery.

Don't worry, you don't need pure luck to feel stronger, healthier, and more vitality.

You will find huge relief when you know the emotional root causes of your pain, and have a plan to address them.

It doesn’t mean your spiritual practices aren’t working if you still suffer…

There are just a few barriers to work through for you to feel so much better.

I see you.

You devote time to absorbing wisdom from Eckhart Tolle, Marriane Williamson and more…

You do your meditations… you do your EFT tapping… your journaling (helpful, but not enough)…

You’ve done the psilocybin journey that was life-changing (or so you hoped)…

You’ve learned all about your vagus nerve and use polyvagal techniques all the time (again, somewhat helpful)…

But deep down you feel confused and frustrated.

Instead of feeling more stillness and calm, you often feel more agitated and annoyed.

Instead of peace, there’s actually a war going on inside you and you don’t know how to make it stop.

You start to think, “What is going on?? How come I can’t shake the chronic pain and inflammation now matter how hard I try?”

“How come I still have food sensitivities even though I eat like a pro athlete?”

“Why do I still feel like I have no energy to take care of my kids and enjoy my job?”

“What is wrong with me??”

Okay, one of two things is likely happening:

#1 - You’re swimming in your fear of failure

As you do your daily meditation, you can’t help but notice your mind keeps telling you no matter what you do, you’ll never be free of chronic pain, so don’t bother wishing for it.


You get excited after watching a YoutTube clip of Abraham Hicks, and think, “YES! I got this! I just have to vibrate higher”

… but then the day goes on as usual and nothing changes.

You start to feel overwhelmed, and hopeless.

(Keep reading… there’s hope!)


#2 - You still believe deep down that you’re broken

There are days when you feel good… you take the kids to school, you get everything done for work you hoped for…

… then BAM, the next day you’re having a flare-up which sends you down the rabbit hole of despair.

It feels like your body is your enemy… constantly out to get you right when you start to feel okay.

It pounces, like a jungle cat, out from behind the leaves, pinning you down in the dirt.

You begin to believe that the only way to feel better is to DO better.

Meditate better (there’s no such thing).

Vibrate higher (how exactly?).

Restrict your diet even more to make inflammation submit (unsustainable).

I’ve got good news for you!

You will be unstoppable, with so much energy and wellbeing when you can clear the subconscious negative thoughts and feelings from your nervous system.

Then you don’t have to “fix” things, or “do better” to feel better…

Instead, you and your body will remember that you were never broken in the first place.

To stop the cycle of “do better to feel better,” and feel at peace in your body, releasing your fear of failure and brokenness from your mind and body will get you there.

EMDR therapy can help you clear the subconscious fears that are holding you back from the health you desire.

No matter what symptoms you have today, you can help your nervous system respond in a completely different way which can create profound changes in your experience of pain.

For my clients the pain, inflammation and fatigue often greatly reduce, and in some cases, go away altogether…


Because you shifted your subconscious fears that you are in some way to blame for your pain.

Once that old gunk is cleaned from your system, the body can move onto the next phase of healing.

Your body will heal from inflammation when your mind allows it to.

If you’re ready to shift from inflammation and fatigue into joy and wellbeing by releasing stuck fear and trauma, book an exploration call with me to see if an Accelerated EMDR Therapy Program is right for you.

I'd love to support you so you can feel the best, healthiest and most energetic self you can be!

Email me to get started at


how to access your inner guidance with confidence


The love you want depends on this…