Why Your Grief is so Challenging
Perhaps it's not grief itself that you fear.
Perhaps it's not the intense sadness, anger, or despair (surprisingly).
Or the loss of the thing or person (although you acknowledge the sorrow will be intense)…
You fear your grief because of what your mind makes it mean about you.
If _________(scary thing) happens, then it must mean:
I'm alone.
I've failed.
I have no control.
I'm not safe.
I'm to blame.
I'm helpless.
These are examples of distortions that your subconscious mind will create to make sense of the pain.
But your Higher Self asks you to confront these beliefs and dismantle them so you can reach the next level of awareness regarding who you actually are and why you're here on this planet…
But as humans we tend to try to avoid, deny or evade pain wherever possible.
It's only natural.
I'm curious, First name / dear one, have you ever asked yourself why you fear your own grief?
What answers did you find?
In truth, everyone experiences grief because you cannot grow, transform, evolve or change without it.
Every new experience, or chapter, or version of yourself has grief attached.
It's the Universal Law of Polarity, and the Law of Cause and Effect in action.
Maybe the reason you're not where you want to be in your life is not because you're deficient on some level…
Maybe you've just been avoiding your grief.
Here's my definition of grief:
Grief is an embodied process of sorrow or other emotions which reveal what we truly value.
(Traumatic grief is grief that is stuck in a shock state in the body and requires an extra level of care and attention… but all grief deserves attention).
Grief lives inside your cells, waiting patiently to share its wisdom with you…
…like an Inner Yoda, living on an unknown Planet, lovingly awaiting the arrival of his greatest apprentice: YOU.
And so you finally surrender, travel to your grief, and open your heart to its teachings.
You allow yourself to re-wire your brain with EMDR therapy & other supportive tools so you can re-learn what grief is and how to feel it… how to work with it.
The reward is beyond what you could have ever imagined.
Painful at times, yes… as is the way of a heart-centred Warrior-in-training.
But soon, amazing things start to unfold…
Your connection to yourself (and to Source) deepens.
Your ability to maneuver energy opens.
Your frequency shifts… you feel more lightness in your body than you've ever felt before! WOW!
Suddenly, you realize why you're here!
You realize… the pain you were avoiding was in fact, the portal to your true nature…
You are a Being of Love.
You are whole and complete, just the way you are.
Grief is your Master Teacher in this life and will raise your consciousness, if you let it.
The choice is yours.
May the Force (of your Inner Wisdom) be with you.