My Fav 4 Questions that make intake Sessions fun and easy
Dear Therapist / Healing Practitioner:
Intake sessions with prospective clients are easy and fun when you know what to ask!
I love these 4 questions because they empowers clients to articulate what they really want from therapy, and how they will participate in the process with you!
Plus they give you the snap-shot you need to discern wheter your services makes sense for their needs.
I used to dread intake sessions because I was afraid I'd begin opening up intimate conversations, discover my service were not a fit for their needs, and have to send them on their way after they just spilled their guts to me (not good!)
I was also worried I'd feel I had to take them on as a client, simply because I am a therapist with an open spot (now I refer clients out to other therapists if I determine they could have their needs best met elsewhere).
I now realize there's a therapist out there for everyone, whatever stage of change a client is at, and that I help people best when there's a resonance with my medicine and their needs & desires.
If you'd like work together to make your private practice processes feel easy and fun, and attract clients who are a good fit for your medicine, let me know, I have one and three-month mentorship spots available.
Sat Nam,