Why to-do lists don’t work for HSP’s in this Age
As a conscious, highly-sensitive person, you may struggle with the physical demands of every-day, house-holder life.
Maybe some tasks are easy for you… putting groceries away, cleaning dishes, sweeping the floor.
But a certain level of disorganization in your space can feel daunting, dysregulating, and lead to shut-down (my poor husband understands this about me all too well!)
Your home requires occasional deep cleaning & organizing… and that’s where you freeze.
The floors need washing… it's been a while.
Your closet is overflowing with clothes that don’t fit you… urgh.
You really need a bookshelf to put your ample collection of self-actualization and spiritual development books on, but the thought of going to IKEA makes you cringe and want to crawl into bed!
Having a highly-sensitive nervous system means that you are taking in more information on a sensory level than the average person.
If you have a highly-sensitive system, you’re receiving, processing, integrating and interpreting energetic information through your magnetic field, and your 5-senses.
How do you know if you have a highly-sensitive system?
Maybe you’ve been told you have “thin skin”… (which could actually be true…you might just have less of an energetic barrier than others do when it comes to stimulation).
Or perhaps you have expressed yourself through emotions but you’ve been told you’re “too sensitive” by others who don’t fully understand your M.O.
You may move through the world by “feeling” it, and you might seek experiences that are deeply meaningful on the sensory, emotional, and relational levels.
The gift of the highly-sensitive nervous system is that you can learn to navigate frequencies & vibrations with a high degree of sophistication, and then help others to do the same.
Rather than looking to the environment to make you feel a certain way, you can decide what you want to feel, and vibrate those emotions in your field that then influence the environment!
Isn’t that a cool reframe?
I believe this is something that highly-sensitive people are here to learn and show others how to do.
I used to think being an adult was doing the right things.
Now I know it's being the right things that leads to the right actions, opportunities, and experiences.
So what do you want to feel when you’re faced with household responsibilities?
For me, it's God’s Grace.
Grace is an expression of unconditional love and blessings for you from the Universe (God, Source, Creator, whatever you like) that reminds you that you are of God, a divine being, and worthy of love no matter what.
Grace is a frequency and vibration that you must allow into your Being to receive the gifts of boundless energy, devotion, creativity, and love for yourself and your neighbour.
You begin to see whatever’s in front of you not as a trap, test, or an obstacle, but an opportunity to personify grace, goodwill, and your alignment to a higher power.
Cleaning your closet isn’t about maintaining some kind of ego identity as a “functioning human” but more about clearing out the old energies that no longer serve you, and creating space for more expansion and love to come into your home for yourself and your loved ones.
Washing the floors becomes an extension of your heartfelt desire to nurture your children, your pets, and yourself.
Then, you can bring this grace into your daily interactions in your community.
A smile for the grocery clerk.
A conversation with your lonely neighbour.
Opening the door for someone.
Grace looks like small acts of service that make you feel good, and the people around you, without expectation of anything in return.
The energy on the Planet is pretty heavy right now.
The suffering is real and extensive.
You can invite grace into your life, into your body and into your actions and dramatically shift not only how you feel about yourself today, but how others feel about themselves.
You and I can create a New Earth in the Aquarian Age whereby we value gracefulness, generosity, joy, and love no matter what the task is for the day.
The massage from our higher selves is clear: elevate yourself, elevate the planet.
I wish you a day filled with the Grace of God.
Sat Naam.