How to rest

If you want to feel good, you need deep REST.

A calm mind and a quiet body.

I know this dilemma well. And allow me to share something with you:

Your ability to truly rest is directly related to your self-worth.

Self-worth means relating to yourself with reverence.

Self-worth comes from remembering you are a soul, connected to the infinite, and everything and everyone.

Self-worth comes from making small promises to yourself and following through.

Self-worth is knowing in your heart that you intrinsically matter, regardless of your productivity, your body, your social status, or your finances.

But perhaps instead of relating to yourself with dignity and holding yourself in high-regard, you turn to distractions to feel better in the moment because somewhere deep down, you may not believe you are deserving of time and space to just BE.

Here's the thing:

Everyone is deserving of true rest.

It's our nature to sway from action energy (yang) to rest and rejuvenation energy (yin). Our human mind-body systems all need time to integrate, to digest, and to just be in stillness and calm.

Ask yourself, what does your subconscious believe would happen if you were to give yourself time and space to truly rest?

… maybe you believe the world might fall apart, and that will mean you're something bad will happen and it'll be your fault,

…maybe you believe others might judge you for taking time, or they may reject you for not being a ‘team player’,

…maybe you believe you might just feel more overwhelmed, which must mean you can't handle life, or you're a failure.

None of these are true.

They are fear-driven thought-forms. Nothing more, nothing less.

The negative beliefs your subconscious holds onto are blocking you from experiencing true, delicious, peaceful rest.

Most likely, they arose from some sort of stressful situation early on in your life that if you don't bother to transform now, you'll continue to be a victim to in your adult life.

You have dignity. You are worthy. You must hold yourself with reverence, kindness, and love.

When you know you're worthy, you act accordingly, giving others permission to do the same.

It is, therefore, an act of service to step into leadership and truly rest when you need it.

Here's another bonus - the more you rest, the more energy you will have to create what you want to!

Who doesn't want enough energy to not only complete the tasks at work, but go for a beautiful evening walk with a friend?

Or play a board game with your kids after dinner rather than sitting in front of the TV, again?

I've taken the majority of July off to rest and play with my family, and it feels right.

I want to have ample energy to create magical, transformative experiences with my clients in August and beyond.

If you want to explore more ways to ignite your self-worth, remove blocking beliefs, and increase your confidence so you can experience true rest, you might benefit from an Accelerated EMDR Therapy experience with me.

In your personalized, one-to-one therapy experience with me, we will identify what you want a bigger experience of, what blocks are keeping you from materializing that experience, and how to move the energy once again in your mind-body system through a unique combination of EMDR and Kundalini Meditation, to unleash more life-force energy, connection, success, and joy in your daily life.

If you’re ready to step into permission for deep rest not just in your logical mind, but in your bones, book a session with me to get the process started. It would be my honour to serve you.

Wishing you a deeply restful day :)


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