how to access your inner guidance with confidence

You have a direct phone line to the Universe inside you.

You can simply call it up, ask whatever question is on your heart, and receive guidance that will serve you on your path.

Lots of people refer to it as Inner Guidance.

You know your inner guidance is speaking to you when you don’t know exactly why you need to go into the stationary store today, but you do, and then you end up in conversation with the clerk who offers you a job.

Or when you have been thinking that it would be really fun to go dancing again, and the very next day you see an advertisement for a Beginner’s Dance Class to Funk and Soul Rhythms and you couldn’t be more excited!

Thank you Universe!

This direct line of universal knowledge inside you speaks to you about all areas of your life:






It always has your back.

It always knows exactly where you are on your journey and what you need next (even if you don’t like the answer it’s giving you).

You might be wondering, “How can I access this inner guidance when I’m suffering? When life feels so hard? Or when I’ve never ‘heard’ my inner guidance before?”

Great questions!

No one taught you how to access this inner guidance system inside you.

There’s no class in elementary school called, “World Spiritual Teachings & Metaphysical Skills” (although I think what an amazing education opportunity for our kiddos!!)

On top of not having knowledge or skills to do this, you are bombarded with information in this technological age. You also have a human life, which means you’ve likely experienced mild to severe traumas in your life.

Then there’s the demands of everyday, householder life.

Kids. Boss. Emails. Groceries. Pets. Elderly parents. Unreliable wifi.

I get it!

There’s a ton of noise.

Here’s the good news:

Your inner guidance isn’t going anywhere.

It’s not a visitor, coming for a glass of wine and a laugh, then saying goodbye until next time.

It resides in your heart centre.

It’s the oldest, wisest, most loving, compassionate friend you’ll ever have in your lifetime.

It knows you better than you do.

It knows your deepest desires. Your fears. Your wounds.

It knows what your soul agreed to in this lifetime.

And, it knows your highest potential and will patiently wait for you to connect to it for as long as it takes, bit by bit.

No matter how much you avoid it; no matter how much you mistrust it; no matter how much you’ve been through and how much you need to clear out of your nervous system (more on this in a moment).

Your inner guidance is devoted to your soul’s growth toward love, peace and harmony throughout lifetimes.

Isn't it amazing to know there’s a part of you that LOVES you THAT MUCH?

Okay, let’s get to how-to get here.

(By now you probably know what I’m going to say if you’ve read my other posts…)

The more trauma and fear-based programming you clear out of your nervous system, the more access you have to your Inner Guidance.

I’m here to help you not only do a major scrubbing of your body & mind, I teach you how to do it on your own so in the future, you know exactly what to do to maintain your now clean vessel (aka body).

Your mind is amazing and powerful, but it cannot put you on the track toward your destiny through logic alone.

Your Inner Guidance system lives inside you, waiting to whisper words of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

If you’d like to clear the clutter and get in touch with your Inner Guidance system so you can feel confident in making decisions, and create the life you love, I’d love to support you.

If it feels like a YES (or no, for that matter!) in your body, you’ve already begun tapping into your highest path.

Book your intake session -


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