Intentional Geometry for releasing Grief & Shock

The highest form of communication is not language… it’s geometry. 

Shapes have a frequency, and you can feel it if you allow yourself to absorb the wisdom encoded within them.

A friend of mine who is also an amazing artist, channel, and lovely person creates gorgeous geometric art that has encoded in it profoundly healing and transformative cosmic frequencies for our wellbeing. Please check out her work

I asked her to create a sacred geometric art transmission for my community who suffered a tragic loss last week (and for all of us who are navigating grief & loss in one form or another). 


She agreed, and I'm so happy to share them with you!


They are profound in their simplicity… and yet each shape holds worlds of information that your auric structure can respond with the universal language of resonance.  

In other words, you can download the information into your energy field through the shapes, and “run” the program for your wellbeing :)

Let me give you one example: 

Great Rhombihexahedron in Dark Goldenrod… fine tunes the emotions so healing can take place by terminating unneeded energies, allowing for release and forgiveness.



How to use this art for deep, transformational healing:

Step 1 - open and look at the the images here


Step 2 - engage with them :)

(Option 1 - emanate these shapes into your own auric field (the space 4-9 feet around you) or send them to others in need of deep healing... meditate on them, draw them into your heart, send them out)


(Option 2 - speak allowed, “spirit of love, download these sacred shapes into my energetic field for deep healing and to release blocks so that I can feel it in my body”... then wait, sense, trust, and allow)


… or interact with them in whatever way feels natural for you! maybe draw them… sing to them… put them under your pillow :)

Here are Tiffany’s words (the artist herself):

“What I love about intentional geometry is not only our ability to generate massive shifts in our own lives, but how easy it is to share or send to others in need of deep healing and upliftment.

Swipe through if you or someone you know might benefit from the different shapes and colors that facilitate deep release and aid in the grieving process.”


GO HERE to swipe through and see each shape individually, learn what their meanings are, and begin your energetic download for wellbeing.



I'd love to hear how this practice impacted you! Feel free to email me and tell me about your experience! 


Work with me using EMDR and other tools release blocks to grief and feel better:


Grief is a portal to the next version of yourself. 


If you let it, grief can be a doorway to love, grace, and soul-connection…but you don’t have to walk it alone. 

If you or someone you love wishes to remove any blocks to grief such as traumatic memories, energy that is stuck in your body, or difficulty befriending your emotions…


…so you can have a more peaceful, expansive, and infinitely-connected experience in grief, it would be my honour to serve you.


My doors are open for new (and existing) EMDR psychotherapy clients for a limited number of spots for Fall.  

Claim your spot now and get a leg up on your healing journey for 2023.


I'm excited to connect with you!   


May your day be filled with blessings beyond your wildest imagination.


avoid exhaustion and raise your frequency


You Can Handle It, if You Believe You Can