the labels you give yourself are what’s holding you back
Are you an artist? A cook? A mother? A professional?
Are you a night-owl? Or a morning person?
Are you a Dad? A computer-wiz? Or a tech-dummy?
It's fun to identify yourself in various contrasting labels to feel a deeper sense of self-knowing.
I do it too - it's part of the human experience (my own story to follow…)
But in truth, you are so much MORE than that!
The true, Divine Self inside you is so much more than labels and roles… she is pure consciousness.
You want to feel powerful, capable, in control, creative, expansive, and healthy in the face of challenges…
…but you can only be those things when you realize how vastly BIG you are (energetically) compared to the smaller self-identity you've made for yourself.
The most calm, courageous, creative version of yourself emerges when you can finally release the labels you've shackled yourself with.
I'll give you a personal example…
I was working on my own fear of flying with my therapist the other day in anticipation of a trip I'm taking.
I said to her, “I'm a bad traveller… I'm a nervous flyer… I hate the feelings that it brings.”
She said, “notice that”… as I moved my eyes, back and forth… (accessing both sides of the brain which includes distressing thoughts as well as adaptive, helpful thoughts simultaneously …)
(those of you who've done EMDR therapy can picture this…)
I paused.
This question just popped into my mind: “Why am I so attached to the fear? Why do I believe it's who I am, rather than just an experience I've had in the past?"
In other words, what's the benefit of maintaining my identity as a "fearful-flyer"?
How has that served me?
Then, my inner child replied, “because in our house (growing up), we don't let ourselves have too much fun…it's just not what we do.”
Where did that come from???!
In that moment, I realized the deeper layer of my experience:.
It's not actually about the fear of flying… it's about the fear of letting go and having FUN, and being in my full expression of Self…
Once I realized this, I was able to work with my inner child more compassionately, and eventually shift the root fear…
(the work continues but I feel SO much better) :)
What was protecting me in childhood (not losing control, or appearing to have “too much fun” & staying small) had become a limiting perception about who I am in the world.
Can you relate to this?
I'm so much more than that!
And so are YOU!
I love to dance; to play video games with my son; to bake while watching Friends; and to wear clothes that make me feel beautiful.
The amazing thing is now I get to de-construct this old story and discover the next level version of myself…
It doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly love flying in a plane… but now I can access a deeper feeling of capacity, choice, and calm in the face of fear… and you can too, if that's something you want.
The freedom that comes from letting go of old labels gives room for emotions to flow, new ideas to come in, and new experiences to be had.
Are you willing to see yourself for who you truly are?
A Divine Being, more powerful than you've ever imagined?
A Being that can move mountains, heal others, and mind-Jedi your reality into something beyond what you could imagine for yourself?
If you're interested in creating the next level of reality for yourself, and step into a BIGGER, more fun version of yourself, I'd love to support you!