How you relate to yourself affects your health

Anything that makes you believe deep down that you're in some way defective has the potential to set the stage for illness to manifest in your body.


Whereas loving yourself unconditionally can only lead to health and wellbeing. 




It's about vibration and frequency.


All illnesses start on the vibrational level first, and then have the potential to turn into 3D reality.


Every one of your cells is a factory that converts energy into matter. 


In other words, they turn frequency into tangible, 3D results (wanted or unwanted).


Where do the frequencies & vibrations come from? 


They come from your electromagnetic field… a.k.a. your aura. 


Your aura is like your computer hard drive.  


It holds a record of all the conscious thoughts & feelings, as well as the subconscious thoughts & feelings you've ever experienced (that's A LOT of information). 


But you can amplify whatever frequencies (aka feelings & sensations) in your field you want to when you decide to put your attention to those frequencies over, and over again. 


After all, where attention goes, energy (and then matter) flows.


Illness is just a materialization of something in your field that is in dissonance with who you really are…


You are a Soul who resonates with Universal Consciousness, a.k.a the Frequency of Love.


Trauma can throw you off. 

Fear can too.

Hate can too.

Unprocessed anger. 

Anything that hangs out in your field for too long can cause issues.


Self-doubt is a big culprit (did you know that you lose 33% of your energy when you allow self-doubt to cloud your intuition?)


We all experience these emotions at one time or another… don't fear them (that's just more dissonance).


Simply make the decision to accept the broad spectrum of vibrational experiences in your life, notice them, be with them, and move through them to the other side so you can release them. 


I had an unpleasant reaction to a sedative drug recently (during a minor procedure).  


I was so MAD.


I wondered, "why would this happen? 


…why did they give me this crap?"


Then it went deeper into my psyche…


…"what's wrong with me that I cannot tolerate this drug the way others do?


…there must be something wrong with my body… " 


(AHH! BEEP BEEP! This is my danger zone… we're talking subconscious dark waters here…)


F*ck that.


Past experience and training has taught me I can swim way from those waters easily… to a much more calm, peaceful flow in myself…


And so I did some recalibration work (Journal Prompts and my fav 40 second meditation) and shifted my frequency right then and there


I no longer accept anything (story, person, situation, belief in my own psyche) that tells me I'm defective or unworthy. 


That would be accepting illness into my life.


I will not.


And neither should you.


(I don't normally “should” others… but this is important enough to try to get your attention)


You are perfect.


You are loved.


You are whole.


Whatever challenge you're facing today, just remind yourself it's an opportunity to love yourself even more.


Big hug.


the labels you give yourself are what’s holding you back


avoid exhaustion and raise your frequency