Overcoming guilt when setting fees is a must for a profitable practice

Old programming has us thinking that if you're qualified to help someone, you should.


That leads to working in your zone of competence (which there's nothing wrong with! Lots of learning and growth can happen here… just more slowly).


But your natural, divine gifts as a healer will not be fully realized in this zone.

But when you work in your zone of genius - aka in ways that are easy, natural and fun for you - the potential for life-changing transformation for your clients is much higher. 


Recognition of your magic must come from you, first.


If you want to create a highly-profitable therapy practice with dream clients, and use your unique gifts to contribute to the world in the most potent way, you will need to be discerning about where you're directing your energy.


I'm here if you'd like support in your growth & development as the healer and leader you truly are. :)


Therapist: you’re blocking money by doing this…


What it feels like to book a dream client