What it feels like to book a dream client

Dear Therapist,


I just booked a dream client for an 8-session accelerated EMDR therapy container and it feels so good!


How do I know she's a dream client?


# 1 - We had fun talking about her therapy goals, and how her life will look and feel when she's embodying them.  We connected them to her higher-purpose as a healer and as a mother.  I can 100% get behind her vision :)


# 2 - My body felt open, calm and enlivened by our conversation.  It was giving me a clear “yes” and I listened to it.


# 3 - I could already imagine many creative ways to work with her to help her achieve her goals… I saw my own genius at work! 


# 4 - Money felt like an easy conversation for us… no resistance on either side, just an aligned exchange (a neutral transaction).  


# 5 - It didn't feel like work when we were together. It felt natural, professional, and playful.  I held my energetic boundaries, and empowered her to be in charge of her own journey. 


I can't wait to get started with her!


If my practice was already full with clients whom I felt obligated to work with, or drained by, I would not have had space in my schedule, or in my energy to take her as a client. 


Similarly, if I was not sure where my genius lies, I would not have had the confidence to accurately assess whether I was the right person to support her at this time.


Making space in your schedule is key to work with dream clients, but it's not enough on its own.


You must also uncover and re-wire any blocking beliefs that are keeping you in the same situation in your business, otherwise you won't have the motivation or the stamina to take steps in the 3D.


The behind-the-scenes work is my speciality :) 

Helping you to identify where you're not in alignment with what your higher self is ready for, and turning those pesky beliefs upside-down so you can trust yourself in whatever is right for you in your business!


If you're ready to create a business that reflects your magic, let me know, I have one spot open for a 1-month container to support you. 


Let's map out what you need to go from same-same, to energized and well-paid :)


Overcoming guilt when setting fees is a must for a profitable practice


Why a “full” schedule Doesn’t guarantee A profitable Therapy Practice